A miner works at oil distillation in Wonocolo, Bojonegoro, East Java, Indonesia, December 2, 2013. Dordsche Petroleum Maatschappij, the Dutch Oil Mining Company, founded the oil field in 1879 during the Indonesian Revolution era. After Indonesia Independence Day in August 17, 1945, the Dutch leaved the land and from that time the oil field was mined by local traditionally. For years they used human power to mine the oil; four to five people pulled out the crude oil. In one day, from 74 of oil well, miners can produce 46.791L of crude oil. The oil field is located in Cepu Block that is predicted contains 1.4 billion barrel of crude oil and more than 8 billion of gas. This potential block is explored by Exxon Mobile. A documentary filmmaker and photographer based in Jakarta, Indonesia.
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